Three fundamental changes To become more agile, accommodate changing worker demands, and harness the new open talent economy, organizations will increasingly change in three fundamental ways: Break the hierarchies Instead of hierarchical command and control units, companies should resemble interconnected networks. Ecosystems of companies, third-party suppliers and independent agents that hold specialized skills and workers Paradoxical who define their own jobs. leadership in the age of digital Enter the digital race Robotics, automation, technological augmentation, and collaboration tools Leaders need to manage are here to stay. Embrace them proactively instead of playing catch up to paradox in the digital competitors that have already improved the work experience through digital. age by: And gained the advantages. • Guarding core values Enable the multi-skilled worker and shared purpose Coach and enable employees to constantly develop new skills that are needed across the ecosystem and by the organization and seek out new opportunities to create value for their throughout contingent organizations. And have them focus on human skills that will reign in the labor while experimenting age of the machine—developing capabilities machines won’t likely take over: with products, services ideation, communication, analysis, experimentation, and the ability to and organizational make sense of data. structure • Letting go of tight control in order to free up employee creativity • Mastering complexity but guiding through simple rules • Exercising judgment in the face of an unprecedented volume of information 6 | Humanizing work through digital