From Looking Digital to Being Digital: The Impact of Technology on the Future of Work 22. Jeff Wilke, SVP of Consumer Business, 28. Bartl, Michael. “Co-creation in the 32. For example, metal-stamping was email correspondence to Robert J. Thomas, automobile industry – The Audi Virtual Lab.” replaced by a plastic molding process; June 11, 2013. Michael Bartl. December 2009. http://www. and the work of door construction, painting 23. Venkataramanan, Madhumita. “Disruptive and fitting changed dramatically in the by Design: Freakin’ Cool Robots.” Wired. uploads/Co-Creation-Audi_pdf.pdf assembly plants. May 3, 2011. 29. Bilgram, Volker, and Constance Casper. “How 33. Thomke, Stefan. “Enlightened business/2011/05/disruptive-by-design- companies tap the potential of innovative Experimentation: The New Imperative for freakin-cool-robots/. In the case of Gilt users: examples from Germany part II.” Innovation.” Harvard Business Review. 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Harris, Jeanne G., Ives, Blake and Iris and then to build, test, and delivery. htm; Venkataramanan, Madhumita. “Audi’s Junglas. “The Genie Is Out of the Bottle: They key concept is ‘phase containment’ chair is built on sensory data from 1,500 Managing the Infiltration of Consumer meaning that once a phase is completed, fidgeting volunteers.” Wired. July 12, IT Into the Workforce.” Accenture. the results are (ideally) set in stone. So 2012. October 2011. great care is taken to make the needs as archive/2012/08/start/posture-mapping SiteCollectionDocuments/PDF/Accenture- perfect as possible before moving onto high 31. This distinction is intended to help avoid a Managing-the-infiltration-of-Consumer-IT- level design, then to lock that down as confusion that often occurs when the topic into-the-workforce.pdf thoroughly as possible before looking into is the organization of product design. Quite 37. Thomas, Robert J. What Machines Can’t Do: designing component details, and so forth. often, when people talk about product Politics and Technology in the Industrial Each phase is done painstakingly, to avoid design, they refer to the actual shape, Enterprise. Berkeley: University of California expensive problems requiring revisiting functions and attributes of the object being Press, 1994. earlier phases after later phases have begun. designed—not the process by which that 38. Evans, Peter C., and Marco Annunziata. 26. “Audi Virtual Lab: Infotainment.” Audi. product was designed. We are concerned “Industrial Internet: Pushing the Boundaries much more with the latter than with the of Minds and Machines.” General Electric. php?referer=none&login=none. former. Of course, it can be a challenge November 26, 2012. to separate the two. Thus, it will help to 39. Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. “Power Failure in 27. Füller, Johann et al. “Community based remember that we are talking about a new innovation: How to Integrate Members work practice that applies to the process Management Circuits.” Harvard Business of Virtual Communities into New Product of designing things. It allows the design Review. July 1979. Development.” Electronic Commerce to be more iterative, so that the products power-failure-in-management-circuits/ar/1 Research. January 2006. http://www.nten. will better match customer needs. It’s 40. Negroponte, Nicholas. Being Digital. New org/uploads/09ntc/presentations/Fundster_ not about new digital products, it’s about York: Vintage Books, 1995. 231. CommunitBasedInnovation_Webb.pdf new digital-enabled to designing products. It could apply to shoes as easily as to computers because it’s about changing the way designers work, not what they design. 43 | Accenture | Copyright 2014 Accenture. All rights reserved. ©