Digital is about cold efficiency and doing away with the human touch. Right? Wrong. Digital is making the work experience—and the workforce— more democratic, more networked, more human. In the early days of digital, technological advances were associated primarily with efficiency. Taking human intervention out of work and replacing it with automation and changing the very foundations of how work is performed. Now, with advances in collaboration and social media, digital is transforming work again. Breaking down traditional boundaries. Supporting the reorganization of work into open ecosystems to enable greater collaboration. Radically augmenting brain and brawn to enhance both the cognitive and collaborative side of work as well as the physical possibilities of human beings. Democratizing how work is conducted and forever changing our ideas of how an organization should be run from every level all the way to the top. In short, this new wave of technology is far from dehumanizing. In fact, it’s precisely what will make work radically more human: more tailored to individual strengths, more flexible and portable, more collaborative and more meaningful to employees throughout the organization. 2 | Humanizing work through digital