From Looking Digital to Being Digital: The Impact of Technology on the Future of Work Chapter 4: The DNA of a Digital Enterprise Becoming a digital enterprise requires deep shifts—changes that crosscut skills, roles and even culture. Based on our research, we contend that there are three key dimensions to the deep shift from looking digital to being digital: employing the right tools in the right way; developing and deploying the right talent; and evolving the right management mindset. Employing the right tools performance of a process. Intelligent digital so they could make choices about what in the right way processes deliver real benefit by eliminating to stock for what market niches and how redundancy, accelerating improvement long. At Audi it meant engaging a wider and matching enterprise capabilities with variety of professional communities, as well There’s no question that companies can customer needs. as customers, in an iterative design process. save money and increase efficiency by At Rio Tinto, it meant giving analysts a digitizing paper-intensive processes. But Two of the most powerful—and window through which to view real-time that’s not the same as using technology challenging—features of an intelligent operations and model alternative solutions to extract data that addresses a customer digital process are the ability to make to perennial problems. need (and thus adds value) or using it to data available to a broader spectrum of infuse information into physical objects to employees and to engage in experiments in make them smarter. And it’s not the same the design of both products and processes. as using data to dramatically improve the For example, retailer 7-Eleven handed over data and tools to store-level personnel 33 | Accenture | Copyright 2014 Accenture. All rights reserved. ©